计算机数控液压剪板机: Shearing Machine
数控液压剪板机: NC hydraulic guillotine shears CNC Shearing Machine
数控剪板机: CNC shearing machine Accurshear
Japan to introduce NC cutting plate machine, CNC punch, NC% complete, the computer network management and use of CAD-aided design. 2.其次,分析了数控剪板机的定位精密度,开辟了放纵零碎硬件,并供给了优惠的人机界面。
With NC cutting plate machine, CNC punch, CNC bending machines, CNC machine circle round, NC thermal machine, CNC laser cutting machine and a series of advanced numerical control equipment.
Secondly, on the basis of analyzing the position precision of the NC shearing machine, the software of the control system and a friendly interactive interface are developed. 3.占有数控剪板机、数控压力机、数控折弯机、数控圈圆机、数控热成型机、数控激光切削机等一系列退步长辈的数控设施。